I, (NAME)__________________________________,
RESIDING AT THE ADDRESS OF , (ADDRESS)__________________________________,




MY SIGNATURE AFFIXED HERE:________________________


American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Texas

P.O. Box 12905, Austin, TX 78711-2905, T 512.478.7300 F 512.478.7303

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Final TV Debate


For Immediate Release: October 25, 2009
Contact: Sue Davis
713-392-6011 |

Annise Parker Wins Final TV Debate

Houston, TX – Annise Parker completed her string of debate victories last night by decisively winning the fourth and final mayoral candidate TV debate.

Facing three of her opponents on Channel 11, KHOU-TV, Parker demonstrated her superior knowledge and experience as the only candidate with clear, concise answers to questions from the panel of four reporters.

On the question of adding police cadet classes, Parker said she would bring into the department state-certified graduates of other programs, such as those at Houston Community College.

Asked how the candidates would increase recycling, Parker pointed to programs she’s helped create that have already increased recycling: single-stream recycling, separate pick up for green organic heavy trash and recycling programs at Houston’s sports stadiums.

On the issue of flooding in Houston, Parker explained she would do a watershed by watershed analysis of drainage problems and begin tackling the problem.

To the question of what have been current Mayor Bill White’s biggest mistakes and what would you do differently, Parker said White should not have used borrowed money to pay current pension obligations, he should have brought more stakeholders into his decision-making and he should have used more economic incentives to bring businesses to Houston, which Parker said she would do.

Asked about the Metropolitan Transit Authority, Parker said she would clean house with a new Board and new administration, have her transition team look closely at Metro’s books and require Metro to post its budget and meetings online.

On the question of solving problems women have in the Houston Fire Department, Parker said she would resolve the current harassment case, recruit more women and establish mentoring programs.

None of the other three candidates could match Parker for specific answers to the tough questions. As with the previous three TV debates, Parker was the clear winner – capping a week of events that demonstrates her momentum moving into the final week of the campaign. The day before the debate, Parker announced the endorsement of State Representative Garnet Coleman – a powerful voice in national, state and local government and a particularly key endorsement in the Houston mayor’s race. And the Houston Chronicle reported that Parker is outspending her opponent Gene Locke on television and is winning the social media campaign with more supporters than all her opponents combined.

As Houston City Controller, Annise Parker directs Houston’s financial investments and manages billions of tax dollars. Her independent audits of city departments and programs have rooted out waste and saved the city money that can be used for priorities such as police, after-school programs and economic development. A businesswoman and neighborhood leader, Parker served on City Council for six years. She spent 20 years in the oil and gas industry before entering public service.

Thanks to Car Whitmarsh for sending this to me. Annise Parker is the best candidate for the job. What we need to do is to simply tell people about it!

Jim Legare

Friday, October 23, 2009

Garnet Coleman

State Representative Garnet Coleman Endorses Parker for Mayor


For Immediate Release: October 23, 2009
Contact: Sue Davis
713-392-6011 |

State Representative Garnet Coleman Endorses Annise Parker

Houston, TX – In the latest in a series of key endorsements, Texas State Representative Garnet Coleman announced his support for Annise Parker for Mayor. Garnet Coleman

“Annise Parker has the experience and vision we need to get us through these tough times,” said Coleman. “I’m supporting Annise Parker because she believes in fairness – and for the last 12 years has proven that when we call on her, she's there for us.”

Parker said, "I am blessed to have a friend like Garnet Coleman – who works so hard for all of us. And I am especially honored by his support for my campaign."

Coleman’s support comes on the heels of an impressive string of endorsements from a broad-based coalition of organizations and individuals. Coleman joins the tens of thousands of Houstonians supporting Annise Parker, including former State Representative and Candidate for U.S. Senate Rick Noriega, State Representatives Ellen Cohen, Jessica Farrar and Scott Hochberg, Harris County Board of Education Trustee Jim Henley, the Houston Chronicle, Semana News, Que Onda Magazine, African American News & Issues, Annie’s List, EMILY’s List, the Harris County Democrats and the Harris County Young Democrats, the Houston Federation of Teachers, the Houston Police Patrolmen's Union, Houston Metro Police, the Harris County Afro-American Sherrif’s Deputy League, HOPE Local 123, SEIU Local 1, UNITE HERE Local 25, the Harris County AFL-CIO Council, Seafarers International Union, Plumbers Local Union No. 68, Houstonians for Responsible Growth, Houston GLBTPC PAC and a multitude of local political bloggers, to name a few. A full list of endorsements can be found at

Representative Coleman has served the Houston area in the Texas House of Representatives since 1991, and has built a substantial body of accomplishments at the national, state and local levels of government. His leadership is known and respected throughout Houston and his endorsement will carry substantial influence.

"Annise has strong ideas about creating jobs and making our neighborhoods safer," said Coleman. "These choices are never easy, and I have more than one good friend in this race. I have been a longtime supporter and friend of Annise Parker. I gave my support to Annise a little less than two years ago, because of her qualifications. Please join me in voting for my good friend Annise Parker for Mayor."

As Houston City Controller, Annise Parker directs Houston’s financial investments and manages billions of tax dollars. Her independent audits of city departments and programs have rooted out waste and saved the city money that can be used for priorities such as police, after-school programs and economic development. A businesswoman and neighborhood leader, Parker served on City Council for six years. She spent 20 years in the oil and gas industry before entering public service.

David Ortez

David Ortez is another of our bright young bloggers - and a true breath of fresh air. Extrememly talented with a unique point of view - David has not been "affected" by his own importance and is not a name dropper or attention seeker....he just gets his opinion out there in a way that is interesting and enjoyable to read......and lets YOU decide whether his point of view merits your agreement without insulting your intelligence. Here is a great column from his daily blog today.

David Ortez
A Political/Social Thought Blog

Did Locke Copy or Steal?
By DAVID ORTEZ on October 23, 2009

"Gene Locke must have gotten the latest memo that shows him behind Annise Parker and Peter Brown even though he has managed to out raise them both and get more endorsements than all of the candidates combined … but he is stuck at the bottom just shy of being humiliated by Roy Morales."

Read more of his excellent blog.

The author then quotes the ad.

“Only one candidate for mayor has been endorsed by the Houston Chronicle (pause) and Houston’s Police and Firefighters (pause) it’s Gene Locke.”

Then he quotes the Houston Chronicle.

“Locke is the only candidate endorsed by the Houston Chronicle...and police and firefighters, much as I am the only reporter covering the mayoral race...who is at the Houston Chronicle and six feet tall.

More from this excellent author: "One can see that the Locke camp is feeling the heat and they have to go on the offensive the rest of the way if they wish to be duking it out in December. As Pablo Picasso stated, “Bad artists copy. Great artists steal!” … which did Gene Locke do?
If you liked this post, you can buy me a coffee!"

Carl E. Whitmarsh
Democrat - no qualifications

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired
Fannie Lou Hamer
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

John Cobarruvias

John Cobarruvias - Locke calling the kettle Brown - Bay Area Houston blog

John is one of the Houston area's better written and better researched bloggers. I enjoy when he becomes like a pit bull and gets his teeth into the meat at his victims ankles. Here's a prime example...all the facts are here and any right thinking person will come to John's conclusion. ....Now here's a question for John and others to chew on for another time......Why the hurry to line up and endorse incumbent City Councilmembers who are taking huge donations from Bob and Doylene Perry. Just what could these "good" citiaznes want for their bucks? Loyal lapdogs???
John Cobarruvias's

Bay Area Houston

Welcome to Bay Area Houston designed for the Clear Lake and surrounding area of Houston Texas.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Locke calling the kettle Brown.

"Team Locke is desperate. Gene Locke's second TV ad skirts the edges of dishonesty claiming to be the only candidate endorsed by the Houston Chronicle and now he has a radio spot, by former City Councilman Jew Don Boney, claiming Peter Brown is buying the black vote. "

Then this excellent author quotes the Houston Chronicle:

"Mayoral candidate Gene Locke took direct aim at City Councilman Peter Brown's support in the black community Thursday, releasing a radio advertisement that accuses Brown of trying to buy the support of black voters."


Carl E Whitmarsh

Nobody's free until everybody's free.
Fannie Lou Hamer
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Sunny and cool

Sunny and cool...

That's the forecast for Saturday, and the best way to take advantage of it is to work for equality by getting out and volunteering for Annise Parker and all the Caucus's endorsed candidates! RSVP at or come to the Caucus office at 10 a.m. at 1915 Commonwealth. We'll be talking to voters and making sure they get to the polls.

Make sure you use this great weekend for a great cause. Sign up to volunteer for any time until Election Day here.

Houston GLBT Political Caucus
Mailing: PO Box 66664 | Houston TX 77266-6664
Office: 1915Commonwealth @ Welch, Suite 104 | Houston TX 77006-1841
713-521-1000 | fax: 309-423-7531 |

Vote Breakdown

Here's the important stuff that breaks down the vote by Council District. Again, note that District D, represented by Wanda Adams has a huge turnout and is generally considered an African American district; however, the West Gray Multi Purpose Center is located in the heart of the Montrose boxes in District D and that turnout is driven by the overwhelming support for Annise Parker - and if I were making a bet for Wanda, too.

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:08 PM
Subject: Vote Breakdown 10/19 -10/22 W/Mail Ballots

10/19/09 - 10/22/09

18,578 in-person votes cast in Harris County 13,625 (73%) of them were in the City of Houston Municipal. (With mail ballots).

8% Hispanic
28% African American
6% Asian
1% Jewish
56% Other

59% Democratic Primary History
30% Republican Primary History
11% No Primary History

48% Male
52% Female

General Voting
2% 0/3
8% 1/3
15% 2/3
75% 3/3

1% 18-24
4% 25-34
12% 35-49
27% 50-64
56% 65+

City Council District
1,347 District A
1,255 District B
1,688 District C
2,555 District D
1,636 District E
1,417 District F
2,097 District G
1,007 District H
623 District I

Thanks to Kyle Johnston for sending this.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

From Jeri Brooks

From Jeri Brooks

Friends, take a look at the truth about Annise Parker
Fiscal Conservatives for Annise Parker

I'm hearing Gene Locke is going on right wing radio - KSEV - today to tear apart Peter Brown. That is probably because Locke looked down last week and noticed Brown had wrenched the pincers from his hand and was beating him with both African Americans and Republicans (according to the Houston Chronicle Zogby poll). I'm sure that poll gave some of the business organizations who endorsed Locke pause for thought as they had been promised by the Locke campaign that he was a sure thing with his winning strategy of getting 80% of the African American vote along with the Republican vote. My sources tell me, some of those lobbyists are now panicked that they are backing a guy that may not even make it into the runoff.
Who is the Best Candidate to Lead Houston Through Tough Economic Times?
This got me to thinking. Earlier this year, a group of political insider friends and I started watching the mayoral race with an eye as to who would be the best person to guide Houston through the coming tough financial times. This was before the budget situation was revealed to be as bad as we later found out it was, but we knew it was headed in that direction. We all knew Annise Parker's track record - smart, competent, calm, hard working, consistent - but what about this Gene Locke guy, with his business connections? Did he have the right experience, skill set and connections to be the smart choice? As time went on we became concerned about pay for play from Locke - and too many promises made to too many insiders behind closed doors that got leaked out - promises that would line the pockets of his insider buddies, but would not be good for taxpaying citizens.
So, I decided to round up the facts about Parker that make her the choice for mayor for fiscal conservatives - the only candidate who is ready to lead the city through tough economic times.

Parker Has a Proven Track Record of Saving Taxpayer Dollars:

* Parker implemented city audits that uncovered millions of dollars of waste and fraud.
* Parker renegotiated the interest rates on bond debt, saving the city $80 million dollars.
* Parker cut her own city department budget by 2% when she first got in office.
* Parker recaptured charges for non-city of Houston waste disposal in the city landfill, saving the city $2 million.
* Parker implemented an automated interactive voice response to handle 10-digit police calls, saving the city $1.2 million.
* Parker eliminated paper paychecks for 21,000 city employees, saving the city $1 million.
* Parker consolidated motor vehicle reports into one office, saving the city $300,000.

When Parker makes promises on the campaign trail about being fiscally conservative with taxpayer dollars, it's because she has already walked the talk - she has a proven track record at City Hall doing what she's promised to do more of when she is mayor.

Brown and Locke Won't Show You the Money
Her opponents, on the other hand, are making empty promises. I thought it was very telling in Locke's Off the Kuff interview, that when Kuffner asked Locke that while his promises of putting more police on the street and giving them more advanced technology sounded great, how did he intend to pay for those initiatives, Locke answered, "I think we are still working on various models." That's not a good enough answer for a mayoral candidate in the fourth largest city in the country six weeks before election day. If you are going to make promises, tell how you are going to pay for them in these tough economic times.
Peter Brown is promising more police on the street, as well, without telling how he will pay for them. And, he's promising a beefed up Real Time Crime Center, which sounds good but looks like it will cost millions if it looks anything like what he has in his ad. And, he's got a blueprint that will involve doing more with less. He's very consistent with that message, but what does it mean exactly?

Annise Parker the Best Choice for Saving Your Tax Dollars
I'll have more in a followup post on Parker's policies and how they are the fiscally responsible ones in these tough economic times. Clearly, Parker has a track record of saving taxpayer dollars, finding efficiencies and eliminating waste. She is not the candidate whose records show he is charging the city (your tax dollars) $640/hour to represent Metro, the Sports Authority and the Port of Houston. She is not the candidate who is using his wife's personal fortune to finance his campaign to the tune of a $1.7 million loan.
While Locke and Brown are squabbling over who deserves the Republican vote, Annise Parker is rising above that fray, looking good as the fiscally conservative choice for mayor of Houston for both Democrats and Republicans.

Jeri J. Brooks
Communications Director
Annise Parker for Mayor
713.861.6464 in the lab
832.287.5627 on the go

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Equality Texas

Besides being the best candidate for the job, Annise would be the first openly lesbian mayor of any of the 25 largest cities in the United States.
Her election would demonstrate that sexual orientation does not matter to Texans when electing qualified public servants.
Annise Parker's election to office is a critical opportunity to advance equality in Houston and in Texas.

The above is from Equality Texas.
I agree. We need more openly LGBT people elected to positions of responsibility to demonstrate that there is nothing inherently wrong with Gay, Bi, Tran people. This will help to change society over the long haul. I have already cast my ballot with Annise Parker's name on it.


Kristopher Banks


The Houston GLBT Political Caucus sent a letter to Mayor Bill White asking how Houston voters can trust that their voice will be heard when the election administrator, County Clerk Beverly Kaufman, has already weighed in on who she wants to win this election. The Caucus also sent a letter to County Attorney Vince Ryan, requesting an opinion on the legality of Ms. Kaufman’s continued administration of this election.

“Beverly Kaufman has not only stated her support of Gene Locke, she has been actively campaigning for him. What else is she willing to do to make sure he gets elected?” said Kris Banks, president of the Caucus. “We want our votes to be counted, and we don’t know if we can trust Ms. Kaufman to do that.”

The Caucus membership unanimously voted to send the letters at the October 7 meeting, upon a motion made and seconded by members.

“Although our organization supports Annise Parker for mayor, this is about the integrity of this election,” Banks said. “For the greater good of this city, we need to know that whoever wins the election won it fairly, and not have a redux of Florida in the 2000 presidential race.”

The Houston GLBT Political Caucus is the oldest organization in the South advocating for the civil rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

Kristopher Banks
Houston GLBT Political Caucus

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chronicle Zogby Poll

The Chronicle Zogby Poll indicates that the adage still holds true. Council Member Peter Brown is the front runner – behind undecided, of course. Parker is running a tight second. Locke is a little further back while Morales picks up some support.

Here are their numbers, as reported:

* Not Sure/Undecided – 36%
* Brown – 23.8%
* Parker – 19%
* Locke – 13.1%
* Morales – 6.7%

The poll was conducted while the top three candidates had full media buys on the air – the week of October 12 – 15. They interviewed 601 likely voters and have a margin of error of 4.1%. The margin of error puts Parker and Brown within striking distance of each other.

Thank you Carl Whitmarsh for sending this to me.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Annise Parker Ahead

Houston, TX – The poll released today by the Houston Chronicle shows that months of round-the-clock ads and more than two million dollars cannot buy victory.

After spending more than two million dollars, Peter Brown is still in a virtual tie in head-to-head match ups with Annise Parker. John Zogby, whose firm conducted the poll, said that Brown “could be a little disappointed in these results, because whatever lead he has is hardly commensurate with what he has spent.”

The Chronicle also noted that Gene Locke, who has raised more than two million dollars, has been unable to consolidate a base and is “in a distant third.” Parker beats Locke handily in every trial heat.

This is a tough, tight election, with the future of the city at stake. It’s been close in all the polls from the start of the race, and it won’t be easy for any candidate. But now we’re in the stretch run. Voters are beginning to focus – and as they do, Parker will emerge as the candidate with the record, the character and the ability to be the trusted leader Houston needs.

Peter Brown is making a serious attempt to buy this election. He’s bought himself a lot of name ID, and he’s moved up in the polls. But as the Chronicle points out, in the head-to-head match-ups, “Brown’s lead withers to statistical insignificance against Parker.”

As Chronicle columnist Rick Casey points out, “given that [Brown] has had the airwaves to himself for a month, it’s hard to see how he lifts his total much above this in the next two weeks.” The bottom line is that all Brown’s money cannot blow Parker away.

Brown, however, hasn’t gotten the close scrutiny that the other candidates have. News media need to look behind the façade and start examining Brown’s lackluster record.

“Out-of-Town Brown has missed key votes on city priorities like public safety and transportation while vacationing at his wife’s villa on the French Riviera,” said Parker’s campaign manager Adam Harris. “And when he’s not in France, he’s back here taking credit for Bill White’s accomplishments, like the Real Time Crime Center, the city’s recycling program and using energy-efficient LED lights in traffic signals.”

“We’re in crunch time now,“ Harris said. “Annise Parker is the candidate best equipped for victory. Parker is the only candidate who has used tough audits to free up millions of dollars for priorities like police and vital services. She is the only one with 20 years experience in the oil and gas business and a plan to create jobs by making Houston the center of the new energy economy. And Annise Parker is the only one with a plan that won’t increase our taxes when families can least afford it.“

Parker is the leader for Houston’s future. That’s why Parker is endorsed by the Houston Chronicle.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Emily's List

Emily's List has endorsed Annise Parker for Mayor of Houston.

Emily's List

Emily's List has endorsed Annise Parker for Mayor of Houston.

Tea Party

"Indeed, the rightward tilt of the state's GOP electorate permitted another Tea Party insurgent to mount a respectable run without serving as a spoiler to Perry's similarly themed campaign. Debra Medina, a darling of the far right, recently made headlines for questioning the government's involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but came in with about the same 16 percent showing that polls registered prior to her gaffe. -

The rightward slant of the Republican party in Texas portends ill for its citizens and residents alike. A state already gerrymandered to the Republican's advantage, allowing a comfortable margin for incompetence, is being pulled toward a radical part of the political spectrum.

The Tea Party rejects any workable form of federalism where the Federal government plays a necessarily central role in funding large projects, such as roads and dams, and provides funding for necessary functions, such as public education.

"But by the time Republican voters went to the polls here in a primary on Tuesday, the political ground had shifted under Senator Hutchison, who lost in a three-way race to Mr. Perry." -link to NY Times Article.

The Tea Party candidates posit themselves as outsiders. But, Rick Perry has been governor for over 10 years.

If you really want change, elect someone who hasn't been governor for 10 years. Bill White handily beat several other Democratic challengers, and, Bill White doesn't have to hide under a false agenda.

The Tea Party is a mis-informed tax revolt married to a wild-eyed dream of secession. All States require federal money to complete big projects because this is the tax money not hijacked by regional petty thievery, and, back-stabbing. It provides the wealth to the communities too poor to educate their own children or pave their own streets. And it provides a necessary counterweight to local lapses in judgment.

Don't leave the future of Texas in the hands of a movement that would send us back into the Dark Ages; where a decent education is a luxury, and a decent life is a far-off dream. This is the movement that would deny you your unemployment benefits. In fact, Governor Perry already has.

Capitol Building -Austin

State Capitol Complex:
11th and Congress.
Parking at the intersection's southeast Corner, and 1500 block of Congress.
Larger than any other state capitol.

Texas Employment Law

"Texas employment law does NOT prohibit workplace discrimination and/or termination based upon sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status." -Equality Texas

"The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), federal legislation that would add sexual orientation as a protected class against discrimination, has been proposed but failed in the past few years. But it is expected that President Obama and the a stronger Democratic majority in Congress will pass and enact the law in 2009."

Texas Travel and Leisure Blog

Check out my website:
Texas Travel and Leisure Blog
It has articles on travel and leisure in Texas. Also, information pertaining to equality.