I, (NAME)__________________________________,
RESIDING AT THE ADDRESS OF , (ADDRESS)__________________________________,




MY SIGNATURE AFFIXED HERE:________________________


American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Texas

P.O. Box 12905, Austin, TX 78711-2905, T 512.478.7300 F 512.478.7303

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Due Process

Dear Reader:

Apparently, back in 2005, a Texas constitutional amendment was passed. It was called proposition 2, and it was sponsored by Rep. Warren Chisum. This amendment did two things:

• Prop 2 amended the state’s constitution to ban same-sex marriage by stating that: marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman.
• Prop 2 amended the state’s constitution to prohibit: creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage.

So, Texas will not recognize a same-sex marriage performed outside of the State. The following is from the Texas constitution:

Sec. 32. MARRIAGE. (a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the
union of one man and one woman.
(b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize
any legal status identical or similar to marriage. (Added Nov. 8, 2005.)

Traditional marriages, as we are all aware, are recognized (traditionally) across state lines. Usually, a marriage performed in one state is recognized in another. Obviously, same-sex marriages performed in other states will not be recognized in Texas.

In Other News:

Loving vs. Virginia was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided in 1967. (One year after my birth.)

In Loving vs. Virginia, decided June 12, 1967, it was decided that a law preventing inter-racial marriage was unconstitutional. ‘This does not seem relevant’, you say to yourself. But, how was this conclusion reached? Was it because all racial matters must be applied equally? Is this from the Bill of Rights at the Federal level?

What do the Equal Protection and Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment mean? Perhaps answering this question is an ongoing process.

“Virginia's statutory scheme to prevent marriages between persons solely on the basis of racial classifications held to violate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

In Fundamentals of American Law, by Alan B. Morrison, the Equal Protection Clause is explained to have “evolved into a broad charter of equal treatment that reaches beyond race to protect women, aliens, illegitimates and other ‘discrete or insular minorities’ who have historically been short-changed in the political process.”

“The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men. “ - MR. CHIEF JUSTICE WARREN in the delivery of his opinion in Loving vs. Virginia.

In my opinion, and I am not a lawyer (as you can surmise by my writing), the statute in the Texas constitution (passed by the voters) seeks to deny a certain group a given essential right without due process. The state of Virginia sought to prevent inter-racial marriages and it was found to violate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clause. These clauses would seem to apply even if race is not a factor.

In June 1958, an inter-racial marriage was performed in the District of Columbia "pursuant to its laws." The Lovings returned to Virginia "and established their marital abode in Caroline County.” I read this in the summary of Loving vs. Virginia. I am paraphrasing. This is now history and we now take for granted the legality of inter-racial marriage. We take for granted that states cannot regulate the inter-racial marriages away...without...Due Process?

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix." -trial judge quoted in the summary of Loving vs. Virginia. Read the decision. It fills one with hope.


“Other central provisions in the Virginia statutory scheme are 20-57, which automatically voids all marriages between "a white person and a colored person" without any judicial proceeding, 3 and 20-54 and 1-14 which, [388 U.S. 1, 5] respectively, define "white persons" and "colored persons and Indians" for purposes of the statutory prohibitions.” -again, from the summary of Loving vs. Virginia.

This would seem to be in essence how the Texas constitution voids marriages performed outside the state that would not be recognized within the state...without due process; automatically. Texas negates marriages with the stroke of a pen.

Is the absence of due process only a problem when it applies to different races? Are we all entitled to due process?

Due Process: The In Thing this Season.

Does the Fourteenth Amendment apply when states deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process? It would seem that the states cannot deny any person fundamental rights without due process. The original Bill of Rights (Federal) is made binding on State and Local governments.

Beginning with Gitlow v. New York, states were not only constrained by their own Bill of Rights, but the Bill of Rights through the conduit of the 14th Amendment.

...And that’s my legal opinion for today.


James Legare

Prop 2

Prop. 2 HJR 6 Chisum - Staples

Ballot Language
"The constitutional amendment providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage."
"Enmienda constitucional que dispone que en este estado el matrimonio consiste exclusivamente en la unión de un hombre y una mujer y que desautoriza, en este estado o en alguna subdivisión política del mismo, la creación o el reconocimiento de cualquier estatus jurídico idéntico o semejante al matrimonio."

Brief Explanation
HJR 6 would provide that marriage in Texas is solely the union of a man and woman, and that the state and its political subdivisions could not create or recognize any legal status identical to or similar to marriage, including such legal status relationships created outside of Texas.

And this is why the same-sex marriages that were performed in California will not be recognized in Texas. This is due to the Constitution in Texas, not because of the overturning of Prop 8 in California.

Turn Anger into Action: from The Caucus

This message was sent to me from The Caucus:

Take Action for Our Candidate, Maverick Welsh

Dear Caucus,

At the Caucus, we are doubly sad today. First of all, we are sad for our friends in California, where the state supreme court reaffirmed Proposition 8, which took away the right to marry from same-sex couples.

But even the supposed "good news," that same-sex marriages performed before the proposition passed will remain valid, serves as nothing but a cruel mockery for Houstonians and Texans. Those marriages may remain valid in California, but the moment those same-sex couples pass the Texas state line, they have no rights. That’s because a Texas constitutional amendment, passed in 2005, took those rights away.

We are aware that federal action will likely be necessary before we have marriage equality here. We are aware that the announcement of Judge Sotomayor’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court may have more to do with us achieving equality than the announcement of the California decision.

But we want to make sure our community and those who support us are aware that there is action they can take to advance equality right here in Houston. Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people must stand behind the members of our community who are ready to lead. Openly gay and lesbian candidates like Annise Parker, who is running for mayor, and Maverick Welsh, who is in a runoff in just three weeks for Houston City Council.

You can take action for Maverick this weekend. On Wednesday, May 27, we will be making calls to pro-equality voters in District H from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. from Caucus headquarters at 1915 Commonwealth. We will be blockwalking this weekend, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. E-mail Kris Banks at to sign up for a shift.

You can also turn your anger to action by donating to the Caucus or by joining the $9 for '09 campaign. We are mailing District H voters to let them know about Maverick and the runoff, and we need more funds for printing and postage. Mail means votes, and every bit you can give helps.

You can help make a big change for our community. Join us.

P.S. We hope to see you at our monthly meeting next week on Wednesday, June 3 at 7 p.m. at 1827 W. Alabama. Our community has been in the news lately in regards to immigration law. Hear renowned attorney John Nechman discuss how this volatile subject affects us.

Kris Banks, President

Houston GLBT Political Caucus

This was the message with some emphasis added by me.

Please join The Caucus
Wednesday. The meeting is open to the public.

Hear this valuable information about your rights.
The Caucus meets every first Wednesday of the month. In this case, it is June 3rd.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Act Blue: A Fundraising Group


I can honestly say that I have given money to various Democratic candidates via this organization. I am not endorsing, nor am I not endorsing
Act Blue.

Today's Message from Act Blue:


The California Supreme Court has ruled. For Democrats across America, May 26th will be remembered as the day that seven men and women presided over the love of millions. Today, someone's son was was told that he can't benefit from his husband's healthcare. Today, someone's daughter was turned away from her wife's hospital bed. Today, we learned that we cannot rely on the courts to protect us.

But giving up is not an option.

We have to organize change ourselves. In 2008, five hundred ActBlue fundraisers took responsibility for protecting marriage equality in California and raised over a million dollars. Now the stakes are even higher. This is a devastating day for all fair-minded Americans, but the fight is not over.

This is a national struggle.

At ActBlue, we've created the only platform that allows grassroots fundraisers to support organizing efforts across all 50 states. Today all eyes are on California. Tomorrow they may focus on New Hampshire or New York. With ActBlue, you can be a step ahead of the news. You can lay the foundations of tomorrow's successes today. So look to the future.

Support ActBlue.

From all of us at ActBlue, thanks.

Erin Hill

Executive Director, ActBlue

ActBlue is the nation's largest source of funds for Democrats. Launched in 2004, ActBlue created and deployed the next generation of online fundraising tools, enabling individuals and groups to raise money for the Democratic candidates of their choice at

Wondering how you can make the most of ActBlue? We're always happy to help. Email us at

If this email has reached you in error, we apologize. Click here to unsubscribe.

...And that was the message.

As always, choose your charities with caution. Actblue isn't a charity, of course. They raise campaign money. Also, choose your candidates with caution. Just because they are Democrats, doesn't mean they are GLBT friendly.

From Equality Texas


For Immediate Release


Chuck Smith, Deputy Director

Equality Texas


CA Supreme Court Rules on Constitutionality of Prop 8

Also Rules on Validity of Marriages Performed from June through November 2008

Austin, Texas (May 26, 2009) – The California Supreme Court today issued its decision on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the November 2008 ballot measure that rescinded marriage equality in California. The Court ruled that Proposition 8 is constitutional, while also upholding the validity of approximately 18,000 marriages of same-sex couples performed between June and November, 2008.

Equality Texas will participate Wednesday morning in a briefing hosted by Equality California and the National Center for Lesbian Rights to discuss the effect of the court's ruling on Californians and possible next steps to reinstate marriage equality in California.

What is the impact of the California ruling on Texas law? The ruling has absolutely no effect on Texas law. California is no longer a leader on the issue of marriage equality. Despite this ruling, the tide is turning across the country as more and more states provide equal access to marriage. At the time of the ballot measure on Proposition 8, California and Massachusetts were the only states to allow equal access to marriage. Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine now provide for marriage equality, and lawmakers in New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire are considering marriage equality legislation.

"We will support our friends in California when they go back to the ballot to overturn Proposition 8," said Paul Scott, Equality Texas Executive Director. "We know they will ultimately be successful because more people now understand how harmful it is to take away equal rights from families," Scott added.

With six (6) days left in the 81st Regular Session, Equality Texas remains focused on the Texas Legislature. "All politics is local," said Paul Scott. "Our legislators care not about San Francisco, but about San Antonio. They care not about Fresno, but about Los Fresnos. We have had a very successful legislative session - with zero anti-equality bills and 17 pro-equality bills filed. But, there is so much more work to be done in Texas. If people want to get teed off about the California decision, I would ask them to get more involved in Equality Texas and our efforts to win equal treatment under the law in Texas," Scott concluded.

Groups around the state have planned "Day of Decision" events in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Additional information about these events is available at

Equality Texas advocates and lobbies for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Equality Texas envisions a state where all Texans are treated equally, with dignity and respect.

For more on Equality Texas, visit or call 512-474-5475.


Monday, May 25, 2009

From HRC Affiliated Group

California Supreme Court
Proposition 8 Celebration / Protest

Tuesday, May 26
Resurrection MCC Parking Lot, 6 pm

Join us and lift your voice tomorrow at 6 pm, when Resurrection will be hosting a celebration / protest in response to the California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8.

Tuesday, May 26, at 10 am Pacific(Noon Central), the Court will be issuing their ruling on Proposition 8 and the fate of more than 18,000 marriages that are currently in legal limbo (including my own).

Regardless of the decision, people will be coming together tomorrow across the nation in support of marriage equality for all people.

Check out the press release below for all the details, and I hope to see you tomorrow!

Mark Eggleston
Director of Outreach
713-861-9149 x106

P.S.If you were married in California last summer and are interested in participating in this event with your partner/spouse, please email me as soon as possible.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------


GLBTActivists Call for Immediate National Response Following CA SupremeCourt Decision on Proposition 8; Thousands Expected to Participate inNationwide Actions on Day of Decision

"Win or lose, thelesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community & ourallies must respond immediately to the forthcoming California SupremeCourt decision on whether to invalidate Proposition 8," says veteranactivist Robin Tyler, who, with her wife, Diane Olson, were the firstplaintiffs in the original landmark lawsuit to win marriage forsame-sex couples in California in a landmark decision one year ago.Tyler & Olson are also petitioners in the current legal challengeagainst Proposition 8. Over 18,000 couples were married in Californiaduring the few short months that same- sex marriages were conducted,many of whom reside here in Houston.

"My wife and I weremarried in Houston on August 11, 2007, and we renewed our vows inCalifornia on our one year anniversary. When the minister performingthe California ceremony handed us our signed marriage license andexplained that we would be married just like she and her husband were,we experienced a feeling of sheer joy and validation that comes withknowing that your union is recognized under the laws of the state. Tohave that right taken away now would be heartbreaking, " says MeghanBaker, President and Founder of Impact Houston, a local LGBT activistgroup.

National groups including, Join the Impact, Centerlink,( the National Association of LGBT Community centers), MetropolitanCommuni ty Churches & others have signed on to help organize acrossthe nation. Here in Houston, the rally is being organized by ImpactHouston, the Houston Stonewall Young Democrats, and the Foundation forFamily and Marriage Equality.

The Houston rally will be held inthe parking lot of Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church at 2025West 11th St, Houston TX 77008, at 6:00pm Central Time. Supporters ofequal rights are encouraged to come prepared to either celebratevictory in California or protest yet another setback in the fight forfull equality.

"Sometimes the role of the courts must be toact as a counterweight to those who would discriminate. This is one ofthose times. The court must seize the opportunity to return tofoundational and constitutional equality. Love's choice andresponsibility must be the deciding factors in what determines a legalmarriage, not the narrow limitations of gender boundaries andexclusions, " says Rev. Dwayne Johnson, Senior Pastor at ResurrectionMetropo litan Community Church.

The court has provided noticethat the decision will be handed down at 10:00am Pacific Time onTuesday, May 26, 2009. That evening, Day of Decision (www.DayofDecision. org)actions across the country will take place to either protest a decisionthat upholds Proposition 8 or to celebrate the invalidation ofProposition 8. This has become a national issue because if Prop 8 isupheld, it will be the first time in American history that a recognizedminority group will lose rights under the constitution. Also, withequal marriage rights now being extended in five US states, notincluding California, the discussions surrounding this issue havebroadened, both substantively and geographically.

"We will notconsider it a victory if Prop 8 is upheld while existing marriages areallowed to stand," said Tyler, whose marriage to Diane Olson would beupheld in such a scenario." As a community, we can only advance as one.Offering special treatment for some community members while takingrights away from the rest is completely unacceptable. "

For more information, visit:
www.DayofDecision. org and www.impact-houston. com


Meghan Baker
President, Impact Houston
(512) 775-8508

Brandon Webb
President, Houston Stonewall Young Democrats hsyd.president@ houstonstonewall
(713) 825-7830

Jerry W. Simoneaux, Jr.
Foundation for Family and Marriage Equality
3400 Montrose Blvd Ste 207
Houston, Texas 77006
(713) 577-9587

Christopher Bown
Foundation for Family and Marriage Equality
(713) 577-9583

Rev. Dwayne Johnson
Senior Pastor, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
(713) 861-9149 x101

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Annise Parker

Map to Annise Parker's home.

This email was sent to me. I support Annise Parker for Mayor of Houston:

Don't worry Rockets fans:

Beat LA

We’ll have Game 7 on at my birthday party on Sunday!

Dear Friends,

We’re gearing up for a fun birthday party tomorrow. I’m turning 53 – and hoping for a 53-point win over the Lakers!

WHAT: Annise Parker’s 53rd Birthday Party Fundraiser - help out our campaign and watch the Rockets beat L.A.!

WHEN: Sunday, May 17: 2:30 – 4:30 PM

WHERE: Annise’s home at 428 Westmoreland, Houston 77006

WHY: Fun, Friends, Fundraising, Rockets – and delicious cake by Sandy Bubbert, our favorite Acadian Baker!

CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT: $53 Guest | $530 Host

RSVP: or or (713) 861-6464


I hope to see you tomorrow! Thank you.

Annise signature


PS Have you joined our conversation on Facebook and Twitter? Annise has 5,267 supporters on these sites combined. Sign up today! Annise on Facebook | Annise on Twitter

Campaign HQ: 321 Heights Blvd., Houston, TX 77007 | (713) 861-6464
Mailing address: P. O. Box 66513, Houston, TX 77266

Political advertising paid for by the Annise Parker Campaign.

Please join this wonderful fund-raiser.

From Jack McDonald for Congress

Dear Fellow Texan,

I have been encouraged to run for U.S. Congress from the Texas 10th Congressional District. We have formed an exploratory committee to solicit support and evaluate the opportunity and my wife, Carla, and I have been humbled by the support we've received from fellow Texans, including business, community and political leaders, Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike.

It's an honor to be asked to consider serving a district we call home, where our two beautiful daughters were born and where I have been blessed with the opportunity to build a successful high-tech business that employs 1,200 people worldwide.

Our nation faces difficult challenges. We need independent, fiscally conservative leaders in Washington with strong values and real world business experience who will put aside partisanship to do what's right. Leaders who will create jobs, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, improve education, support our families and reduce our staggering national debt. Working together, we can build a globally competitive America where our children have the opportunity to achieve their unique potential.

I hope that you will consider joining our cause and making a contribution. I also hope that you will take a moment to send an email to tell me what's on your mind and the issues that are important to you and your family.

Thank you,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Maverick Welsh for District H

District H Special Election: Vote and Volunteer for Maverick Welsh

District H voters will elect a new City Council member, and the Caucus is proud to endorse MAVERICK WELSH. Please join us in helping elect Maverick by coming to the Caucus office at 1915 Commonwealth on Election Day, May 9, at 9 a.m., to help get out the vote! And if you're a District H resident, please vote early for Maverick so you can join us. Early voting info is:

Early Voting: April 27 - May 5

* Monday, May 4, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
* Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Polling locations:

Harris County Administration Building
1001 Preston, 1st Floor
Houston, TX 77002

Moody Park Recreation Center
3725 Fulton Street
Houston, TX 77009

Ripley Houston Neighborhood Center
4410 Navigation Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011

Every vote is extremely important in a low-turnout election like this, so make sure our community's voice is heard!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fund Raiser at The Meteor

I went to The Meteor last night where there was held a fund raiser for the "Gay Prom." The Gay Prom is an alternative prom for students who may not be comfortable attending the regular prom. The fund raiser raised over 1K.

The Meteor had a temporary stage where many liver performers showed off their talent. There were belly dancers and lip synchs.

This is an annual event. I am sure next year it will be even bigger and better.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

HRC Gala

HRC Gala

Saturday May 16, 2009
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hilton Americas
1600 Lamar
City & State
Houston, TX

Tea Party

"Indeed, the rightward tilt of the state's GOP electorate permitted another Tea Party insurgent to mount a respectable run without serving as a spoiler to Perry's similarly themed campaign. Debra Medina, a darling of the far right, recently made headlines for questioning the government's involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but came in with about the same 16 percent showing that polls registered prior to her gaffe. -

The rightward slant of the Republican party in Texas portends ill for its citizens and residents alike. A state already gerrymandered to the Republican's advantage, allowing a comfortable margin for incompetence, is being pulled toward a radical part of the political spectrum.

The Tea Party rejects any workable form of federalism where the Federal government plays a necessarily central role in funding large projects, such as roads and dams, and provides funding for necessary functions, such as public education.

"But by the time Republican voters went to the polls here in a primary on Tuesday, the political ground had shifted under Senator Hutchison, who lost in a three-way race to Mr. Perry." -link to NY Times Article.

The Tea Party candidates posit themselves as outsiders. But, Rick Perry has been governor for over 10 years.

If you really want change, elect someone who hasn't been governor for 10 years. Bill White handily beat several other Democratic challengers, and, Bill White doesn't have to hide under a false agenda.

The Tea Party is a mis-informed tax revolt married to a wild-eyed dream of secession. All States require federal money to complete big projects because this is the tax money not hijacked by regional petty thievery, and, back-stabbing. It provides the wealth to the communities too poor to educate their own children or pave their own streets. And it provides a necessary counterweight to local lapses in judgment.

Don't leave the future of Texas in the hands of a movement that would send us back into the Dark Ages; where a decent education is a luxury, and a decent life is a far-off dream. This is the movement that would deny you your unemployment benefits. In fact, Governor Perry already has.

Capitol Building -Austin

State Capitol Complex:
11th and Congress.
Parking at the intersection's southeast Corner, and 1500 block of Congress.
Larger than any other state capitol.

Texas Employment Law

"Texas employment law does NOT prohibit workplace discrimination and/or termination based upon sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status." -Equality Texas

"The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), federal legislation that would add sexual orientation as a protected class against discrimination, has been proposed but failed in the past few years. But it is expected that President Obama and the a stronger Democratic majority in Congress will pass and enact the law in 2009."

Texas Travel and Leisure Blog

Check out my website:
Texas Travel and Leisure Blog
It has articles on travel and leisure in Texas. Also, information pertaining to equality.