4019 South Braeswood Blvd.
Sept . 6th I went canvassing with the HRC for the Chris Bell campaign.
What Is Politically Relevant to the GLBT Community
This is an organization based in California. "One Struggle, One Fight began two days after the November elections. We were thrilled that Barack Obama had been elected as our next President, but we were blindsided and brokenhearted when Prop 8 passed, revoking our rights through a constitutional amendment." - One Struggle One Fight . com Read more on their website. -I was visiting the Castro in San Francisco and spoke to an HRC volunteer who was standing on the sidewalk during the Castro Street Fair trying to educate people about Prop 8. |
Join the Conference for Equality and influence our elected leader in Austin. One of Equality's recent rallys had over 400 people demonstrating their passion for equality. They petitioned representatives in person. |
2. Equality for all genders (as generally stated in value 1 above) 3. To take action to make the words in the constitution meaningful. 4. To work to make the economy work for all of us. 5. To reverse dis-investment in the public sphere. 6. Defend the principle conveyed in the Bill of Rights. 4. Advocate for free, accessible, and quality education. 5. "Raise the Bar" of public discourse. 6.* *These are my values. People have been asking. So, I thought I would go "on record.". See the Face Book Page GLBT Petition, and JOIN! |
Fort Bend Democrats Club is a local grassroots organization committed to getting Democrats elected in Fort Bend County. We ensure the entire county hears the message of Democrats. Join us for a celebration of the determination of national, state, and local Democrats to ensure open and fair government for all people. The Fort Bend Democrats Club has a long history of positive results in recruiting qualified candidates, increasing Democratic visibility, opening and operating state of the art campaign headquarters, and doing the hard work that has resulted in steady gains for Democrats in Fort Bend County. Becoming a member of Fort Bend Democrats costs only $15 or $25 for a family, and lets you vote on how we as an organization operates. |
http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/02-102.ZS.html The above link is to the Supreme Court decision that decriminalized sodomy in the state of Texas. ******** |
Link to U-tube of the Texas Republican Party Platform.
This U-tube link shows how the Republican platform stipulates eliminating all taxes and replacing them with a national sales tax (which of course, would be inherently regressive.)
The myth of separation of church and state is to be abolished.
Roe v. Wade is to be reversed
The border with Mexico is to be militarized.
Plutocracy and Theocracy
Queer Voices is a weekly radio program on KPFT; Pacifica Radio's Houston affiliate.
Stay informed about political and social events that are significant to the GLBT Community.
Listen to intriguing interviews.
Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
2709 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78704
Join TCADP! They are seeking justice in Texas!
End the death penalty and its profound unfairness. Become a member of this organization!
Group name: | GLBTtexas | |
Group home page: | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GLBTtexas | |
Group email: | GLBTtexas@yahoogroups.com |